Despite the awful news about Delta and lockdown, it was great to hear that vaccinations are resuming, and open to over 40s now. All booked! By the 21st of October I’ll be double-vaccinated. Whew!

Am like a child with a new toy today! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a new piece of apple hardware.

So. Much. Fun!

I’ve just been accepted as a (volunteer) assistant editor for utopia magazine! I’m so excited :D

Hehe, trying that post again…pickle beer!

Hey! Are there any Whitehack rpg fans in the house? I’ve had the 2e for a long time but am finally getting around to rolling up some characters. I’m a bit blocked with picking an interesting vocation though, and figuring out how all the character “bits” work together…

Lots of people I’ve spoken to this morning are feeling pretty nervous about the news that an Australian visitor—who now has Covid—was walking around so many tourist spots over the weekend…

Found this photo of my cat, Pippi, in a random Dropbox folder. Makes me laugh!

For @jean 😅

Photo I developed at a darkroom workshop last weekend! This guy was working in a volunteer bike repair workshop down on the Wellington waterfront. He was playing trumpet in between jobs and he didn’t mind me taking his photo…

Awesome Chills gig on Friday night. One of my favourite NZ bands. Small extra highlight was dancing beside the Minister of Finance who I barely recognised wearing a black band tshirt from the merch stand and singing along to all the songs! 😊

Off to see The Chills tonight…some tunes to get in the mood!

Thank you thank you! @jean 💛🧡

Sometimes I really hate autocorrect; mine just turned “teppanyaki” into “two pantaloons…”

Finished reading: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck 📚

Had a cool trip over to the Makara wind farm today, where my husband was the first person back in a cross country running race. My wee girl and I had fun wandering around and looking at all the turbines and beautiful scenery! Then a beer after to celebrate 🎉

Fell down an Obsidian hole. I may be some time. 😩

Morning walk! The days are definitely getting shorter, the mornings darker. But we’ve had some beautiful light and calm days too…

We found this BFG in the wisteria on our balcony this morning!

Hey Blot aficionados, I’ve got a question about webmentions… (I’m hoping someone might have already gone through this, and I won’t have to pester poor David at Blot.) I’ve noticed on my Blot blog, which I thought I had set up incorrectly to include webmentions (and gave up on), acutally is displaying comments for, but not when I view the blog via the domain (

Case in point: this conversation vs this one.

Any ideas on where I might have gone wrong? From what I can tell I set up the webmention “stuff” (LOL) using the domain URL… Ideally I’d like to have the comments showing up at both URLs… is that possible?

Really liked this: Ending over mending: planned obsolescence is killing the planet. I try to use things as long as possible, but this is a really good reminder to think twice about buying something that actually cannot be repaired; is made to not be repaired.

I’ve officially wiped windows (and Manjaro) from my laptop and am Pop_OS-ing! Super fun! 💕🎉🤓🥰🥳

Nailed it! 🤓

Yesterday, writing in my friend Gina’s boat shed!

Coffee break with my daughter!

Whew! That one got me out of my chair!