: Writing retreat in a friend’s gorgeous family bach along a remote stretch of Lake Taupo. Wonderful!!

: I want the job at Duolingo where they come up with the world’s strangest phrases for people to …

: Currently reading: Bluets by Maggie Nelson 📚

: Good news and bad news…bad news first:

: Can anyone recommend a blog platform that would be good for an eleven year old? We’re going on …

: Think I am late to the party on this YouTube channel but this was awesome: Your dishwasher is better …

: Finished reading: Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher 📚

: Finished reading: Swordheart by T. Kingfisher 📚

: Something that will affect more and more people as climate change continues to press on: Salt in the …

: I tried to write a blog post but all I can fixate on at the moment is my burst eardrum…

: Today’s candles. Bit of a theme going on!

: I finished a great workshop about newsletters and I need to up my game! If you’re interested in …

: Currently reading: On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden 📚

: Anyone else having a grey day that pumpkin soup and bookstore browsing can’t fix? Here’s a …

: I have a real fascination with abandoned places; this looks amazing.

: Currently reading: The Listening Book by W. A. Mathieu 📚

: Portishead, pinot, and ping pong tonight! 🏓

: Non-spammy post time (sorry again), for camera peeps: would an iPad Air be enough to sort photos …

: Oh no, I was tweaking some old blog posts and noooo, a whole load of images have come through …

: These browser tabs are getting away on me like gremlins after midnight :(

: 🎹Paraïba by Ritual Fade (youtube). Super nice.

: One other thing that I found interesting today - my Blot.im blog achieved an ‘A’ rating …

: Does anyone know of any newsletter platforms or services where you can basically write up a markdown …

: Currently reading: Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor 📚

: Went for a walk yesterday with the xPro2, trying out some new recipes. These are using the portra …

: I think I’m turning into my dad, circa the era of his discovery of fax machine memes…

: Bit of a weird harvest this morning: cherry tomatoes, wild strawberries, Szechuan peppercorns, and …

: Shonen Knife @ San Francisco Bathhouse!

: Chewie sunning himself in a patch of autumn sunshine!

: I’m mastodonning. I think. Trying to figure out how to not spam everyone while still cross …

: Flights booked for October trip! Thailand, South Korea & Japan. Now on to the fun stuff— where …

: Happy Lunar New Year! So glad to realise the sound of explosions across the harbour was fireworks :)

: Currently reading: Bryony and Roses by T. Kingfisher 📚

: Finished: Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata 📚 One of the least-egregious romance reads this summer …

: Really liking these Cern anti-harassment posters:

: Currently reading: Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik 📚

: Getting ready for our trip next year!

: Prepping for our NYE party while listening to the DJ set from the last one: “Noise Control,” which …

: Muggy and warm and overcast this Xmas eve. Got the ham sorted to take up to dad’s tomorrow but just …

: Currently reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚Wasn’t a fan of the …

: Currently reading: Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata 📚 So far, so strange!

: 🌱Chamomile mini forest in my box garden

: Lying on the bed watching the sunset and listening to birds, sick child sleeping beside me.

: New books!

: Whoops, just realised that some structural mucking around on my blot blog resulted in some rubbish …

: Karate grading today! My daughter and I are both going for our green belts. Should be a sweat-fest!

: Thanks to my 10 year old I am apparently in the top 1% of BTS and Stray Kids listeners on …

: Working through edits on a burglar-ghost story and realising the main character’s character arc ends …

: Have fallen down the hole of Thai/Korean/Taiwanese mafia dramas. Send help

: Day 30: I should go out with a bang (and hopefully I will get my badge, hehe)!

: Day 29: dusk sky

: Day 28: even when you’re isolating there’s a way to get in a selfie…

: Day 27: view from the sickbed!

: Day 26: nearly to the finish line! Hanging in there, though honestly getting photos sorted with a …

: Day 25: it’s covid! 🥳 Now watch as I try to isolate and see how long it takes for the cats to break …

: Day 24: I’m definitely sick. Stayed in my pjs all day, though I did work. Here’s a wall :)

: Day 23: I’ve caught a cold, I think, so here’s an oldie but a goodie

: Day 22: brainstorming

: Day 21: Jackson street cottage in Petone. Apparently it’s an architect’s place of work? They …

: Day 20: bus stop

: Day 19: my sister playing bass

: Day 18: party balloon

: Day 17: Chewie

: Day 16: new camera day! 😍

: Day 15: waiting at the bus stop

: Day 14: melting moments at the pavillion

: Day 13: off to a party!

: Day 12 part two: woah! Thick and dark and very umami, as you might expect.

: Day 12: Say what? Peanut butter miso beer, courtesy of Garage Project

: Day 11: wet

: Day 10: Waterloo train station, Lower Hutt

: Day 9: wet, cold, and miserable!

: Day 8: a non-cat photo. 😅 The view from the kitchen window!

: Day 7: I don’t mean to only post pictures of cats, but they don’t complain, are relatively …

: Day 6 — morning pages. Always with pencil, it feels sketchier that way.

: Day 5 - whoops, weekend, and nearly forgot to post today! Jesus saves at the BNZ bank, apparently.

: Day 4: the desperation is real

: Day 3–chaotic lines

: 📺Bad Buddy! As described so well in this post, it was a joyous twist on Romeo/Juliet/Sharks/Jets/BL …

: Pōhutukawa in sunlight…spring is in the air even though it’s still July!

: Going to try and finally get my micro.blog badge for photo posting…waiting for the school bus this …

: Idea for a photography project: places where my cat was standing right before I tried to take his …

: Just discovered the nicest place in the internet. Hugs!

: Really enjoying Hot Stove League right now! On netflix… 📺

: Is everybody else watching the Bill Orcutt Guitar Quartet courtesy of Austin Kleon’s …

: Currently reading: Sunshine by Robin McKinley 📚 — so great so far!

: Finally published a novella that I’ve been sitting on for a long time. Magic, cats, kids, old …

: Can anyone recommend a good online newspaper or journal that is not UK-or US-centric? (Or for that …

: Really enjoying: Writing to Meet You: Letters For Secluded Times. I don’t know anything more …

: Blackberry foraging at Korokoro yesterday!

: I signed up for a draft-a-week challenge this year, hoping to get back into the swing of quick idea …

: Utopia Science Fiction magazine (which I’m an assistant editor for) is currently running a …

: Took a cool workshop with Harry Lien yesterday (via Cat Rambo): Author Branding for Introverts. Made …

: Also: lately I’m finding I just hate the internet. 😞

: 📺 Been on a total kdrama binge-fest over the last few months! Most recent: Rain and Shine / Just …

: Last of the Cycling Postmen – so good! ❤️

: New newsletter went out. It was April’s, so naturally was sent on the first of May. The Beauty …

: I’ve had two 4:30am starts in order to catch some of Cat Rambo’s writing classes…the last was two …

: Latest newsletter: Good things, and lessons from the slush pile.

: Nice things to do

: Found this wacky guy on the side of the house today!

: History of Sellwood Hospital in Portland Dad recently sent me this article about the Sellwood Hospital in Portland. My grandpa (who I never …

: First day of school for the new year. Lots of talk about what schooling will look like with omicron …

: I love leaving tiny notebooks everywhere. Love leafing back through them. Blog post ideas, to-dos, …

: Spent an hour this afternoon sorting through the Moostie’s old art. I looved the unicorn hoof phase!

: A day of obsessions around the house today: Moo can’t get enough She-Ra and I really, really, need …

: Really enjoying the Domestika course “Blog Writing: Find Your Personal Style” 😍

: I thought this piece, considering our leaders’ mental health, was very good. The public—and the news …

: Liked: What’s in a name? - Forest and Bird

: Lockdown day 5: lots of cooking and jobs around the house! Currently making: Venison pie - Jamie …

: Despite the awful news about Delta and lockdown, it was great to hear that vaccinations are …

: Am like a child with a new toy today! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a new piece …

: I’ve just been accepted as a (volunteer) assistant editor for utopia magazine! I’m so …

: Hehe, trying that post again…pickle beer!

: Hey! Are there any Whitehack rpg fans in the house? I’ve had the 2e for a long time but am …

: Lots of people I’ve spoken to this morning are feeling pretty nervous about the news that an …

: Found this photo of my cat, Pippi, in a random Dropbox folder. Makes me laugh!

: For @jean 😅

: Photo I developed at a darkroom workshop last weekend! This guy was working in a volunteer bike …

: Awesome Chills gig on Friday night. One of my favourite NZ bands. Small extra highlight was dancing …

: Off to see The Chills tonight…some tunes to get in the mood!

: Thank you thank you! @jean 💛🧡

: Sometimes I really hate autocorrect; mine just turned “teppanyaki” into “two pantaloons…”

: Finished reading: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck 📚

: Had a cool trip over to the Makara wind farm today, where my husband was the first person back in a …

: Fell down an Obsidian hole. I may be some time. 😩

: Morning walk! The days are definitely getting shorter, the mornings darker. But we’ve had some …

: We found this BFG in the wisteria on our balcony this morning!

: Hey Blot aficionados, I’ve got a question about webmentions… (I’m hoping someone …

: Really liked this: Ending over mending: planned obsolescence is killing the planet. I try to use …

: I’ve officially wiped windows (and Manjaro) from my laptop and am Pop_OS-ing! Super fun! 💕🎉🤓🥰🥳

: Nailed it! 🤓

: Yesterday, writing in my friend Gina’s boat shed!

: Coffee break with my daughter!

: Whew! That one got me out of my chair!

: Made the should-know-better mistake of loading up the old iTunes library into Apple Music…now …

: Currently reading: All about Emily by Connie Willis 📚

: Have spent quite a few hours today trying to install Big Sur on to an external SSD in a last-ditch …

: This is the closest I’ve ever seen them!

: Finished reading: Sounder by William H. Armstrong 📚

: Hi everyone, looking for some 📚 recommendations! My dad is going in for an operation tomorrow and …

: What’s everyone using for notes capture these days? I have so many tabs open on my phone and just …

: Found this Kererū feather on the way home from dropping Moo at the bus stop. Looks quite plain, but …

: Hurriedly trying to remember what Level 2 entails! (Community case in Auckland; they are in L 3, …

: Sunset from a few nights ago. Today is socked-in sea fog, so no chance of a beautiful sunset …

: In the 24 hours my daughter had had The Sims on her computer she has: become a vampire, got married …

: The kiddo. Eight now, unbelievable!

: The walk home after picking up my daughter from a friend’s house Saturday night.

: Also… keen to hit the ground running again…are the micro.blog achievements still a …

: Hello everyone! Been away a while. 2020…well, it was a year, wasn’t it? Finally feel as …

: I feel like I need to read more poetry 📚 and also listen to more classical music 🎼these days. Would …

: Found a Puriri moth on the side of the road on my morning walk today. Picked it up, thinking it was …

: Waiting for the school bus…in a few minutes this clam will be completely shattered! 😉

: Someone’s chicken has gone into overdrive. I can hear it bokking over the hills!

: I’m trying to teach myself to draw dungeon maps. Here’s a first attempt :)

: Tonight’s sky 🥰

: Going to try and be more regular with blogging…again. Today’s offering: Bus Stop Days.

: Really enjoyed reading this post about Agnes Martin! I hadn’t heard of her but she sounds like …

: Weird sea fog settling over the bay today!

: Wow - all of the world’s (I’m assuming larger) marine vessels: …

: Been off all things social media for the last wee while (plus it’s school holidays!), but here’s a …

: The most delightfully geeky haul arrived in the post today! 🎲🌈

: That time my daughter was mistaken for Prince George, and me his Spanish nanny…

: Playing: Freeway Warrior: Highway Holocaust by Joe Dever. (Many many of his gamebooks are (legally) …

: I’ve discovered Ironsworn!

: Interview with Peter Fenwick: what really happens when you die?

: Seeing as kiwis are conversationally in vogue right now, how’s this for a good excuse to come over? …

: If anyone is thinking about getting Yotam Ottolenghi’s Plenty, I honestly can’t recommend it highly …

: I’m not very up-to-date with this collection of Blot links but I did update it with info on …

: Some disorganised thoughts on keeping a daily diary.

: Also on my illustrious calendar: Geysercon. Fortuitously discovered this was on at the same time as …

: Really excited to be going to Webstock this year, thanks to my employer, Lil Regie, who is sending …

: Got to take the day off yesterday to celebrate my in-laws’ 60th wedding anniversary! It was awesome. …

: I still have to use Facebook to see what’s going on in my community as all the groups still use it. …

: New blog post: Tarot for writers

: It’s official: if I could go back in time I would visit September 3-5, 1982…

: FINALLY getting around to making a will. So, so, tempted to request a burial at sea…

: This piece on the guardian about climate anxiety is heartbreaking: …

: My six year old just asked me how to spell the words “literally” and “teenager.” Should I be …

: No, just no. 24 year old man fails to understand Heathers…

: Thanks, kid.

: Excellent: Grues and Invisiclues: A Personal Remembrance of Infocom That damn Babel fish! Love …

: Oil that’s had calendula steeping in it all summer. I love the colour! Now to combine with beeswax …

: Morning coffee view. Listening to Weezer’s take on Toto’s “Africa,” which has become my 6yo …

: Someone on my local community notice-board recommended this as another way to pay one’s respects to …

: “Broken-hearted but not broken." I listened to this on the radio today while sitting in …

: A quite pleasant Friday afternoon!

: It will be interesting to see if these big companies can get away with trying to blow off the …

: Students perform haka to pay tribute to classmates killed in Christchurch - video - World news - The …

: It was too much to hope that this tragedy wouldn’t be politicised… ‘“Your grandparents came …

: Another good’un. Opinion - Kiwis Experience an Attack That ‘Feels Imported’ - The New York Times

: This is very good: New Zealand felt removed from the global voices of hatred. No longer - Elle Hunt …

: Sorry to swear, friends, but holy fuck, apparently 30 people have just been wounded / killed in a …

: Man who burned his passport and went to fight with IS feels like the government has “stabbed me in …

: This is really embarrassing, especially coming from mayors of coastal towns that are undoubtedly …

: The Jesus and Mary Chain at the Wellington Opera House! 👌☺️😍🎸 and 🎧

: One for @macgenie’s research…

: Really liking the new (?) Weezer Teal album!! Their Billie Jean is 👌… and then of course …

: Probably preaching to the converted here at micro.blog, but this was a good (if terrifying) read: …

: I’m thinking of putting a kid-friendly Linux distro on my old white MacBook…Qimo, Sugar, and …

: Squee!!! Also, the keyboardco.com branded nail files were a nice touch.

: Says it all, really: Greta Thunberg: “Sweden is not a Role Model” – We Don’t Have Time – Medium

: Writers as magicians Just finished reading the introduction to Francesca Lia Block’s The Thorn Necklace with a …

: An excellent lie-in this morning.

: I never knew Germlish was a thing. But thanks to my German friend Conny, I’ve been …

: I’m reading my timeline through the web, uh, portal, but for the life of me I can’t find …

: If nothing else, today I am going to write 2,000 words. I am going to do this by sitting down at my …

: I found this very sad, and very beautiful: ‘You will behave weirdly’: what I learned …

: My daughter got hold of my phone today when I wasn’t looking…

: Life on a (relatively) small island in the pacific means weather—good or bad—doesn’t tend to stick …

: Yesterday was one of the better play dates I’ve had with my daughter. Started with a trip to the …

: This was the view from our writing group catch-up tonight! Sitting in a boathouse looking across the …

: Ok, So This Is Surreal...!

: Fellow Flickr users! I’ve just received my auto-renewal notice and for the year… $49.99? I’m …

: Not bad, sky. Not bad.

: Moo in a giant tyre on Somes Island! Some old photos, finally developed. More here.

: Jesus and Mary Chain are coming to Wellington. At the Opera house no less! It’s a great venue, …

: Yesterday’s sunset!

: Summer Holidays with cousins. Grey’s Bush, Gisborne.

: I don’t usually like linking to Twitter, but we saw the most amazing meteorite tonight! twitter.com

: Inspired by @vasta’s “letting the pile grow” post, here is my own “really need to get to these” pile …

: Been off the radar lately with a self-imposed break from Instagram and most other social media …