This is really embarrassing, especially coming from mayors of coastal towns that are undoubtedly going to feel the effects of climate change in coming years. e.g. ‘Tauranga Mayor Greg Brownless said he believed that human industry had an impact on climate, but that it was overstated. “Some of it has been exaggerated - I’m not sure about sea level rises and all that. I don’t think people need to get too alarmed." ‘ the rest here.
The Jesus and Mary Chain at the Wellington Opera House! 👌☺️😍🎸 and 🎧
One for @macgenie’s research…
Really liking the new (?) Weezer Teal album!! Their Billie Jean is 👌… and then of course there’s this…
Probably preaching to the converted here at, but this was a good (if terrifying) read: Kids can’t use computers… and this is why it should worry you — Coding 2 Learn
I’m thinking of putting a kid-friendly Linux distro on my old white MacBook…Qimo, Sugar, and Ubermix seem to come up a lot… has anyone tried them? My daughter is six and pretty much besotted with the idea of having her own computer. Requirements are for something that can teach the basics of computer use— not keen on anything too “internetty” just yet though.
Squee!!! Also, the branded nail files were a nice touch.
Says it all, really: Greta Thunberg: “Sweden is not a Role Model” – We Don’t Have Time – Medium
Writers as magicians
An excellent lie-in this morning.
I never knew Germlish was a thing. But thanks to my German friend Conny, I’ve been re-educated. Enjoy those kiwi vowels ehhhyyyeuuu?
I’m reading my timeline through the web, uh, portal, but for the life of me I can’t find where to ‘favourite’ a conversation so I can refer to it later? I can view my favourited posts via the above menu (and there’s a handy ‘unfavorite’ link where I’m expecting it) but no ‘favorite’?
e.g. this post of Cheri’s… where to fave?
edit: found it! Turns out the link is not available on the conversation page… you need to view a user’s list of posts, and the link shows up there…
edit: meant to raise this as a bug but I’ve been a bit busy lately. I wonder if I //cc @help, if I can belatedly create a mention…
If nothing else, today I am going to write 2,000 words. I am going to do this by sitting down at my desk with coffee, then opening up Scrivener, then simply getting stuck in. If I do this and only this, today will be a good day.
I found this very sad, and very beautiful: ‘You will behave weirdly’: what I learned from becoming an orphan at 25 - Life and style - The Guardian
My daughter got hold of my phone today when I wasn’t looking…
Life on a (relatively) small island in the pacific means weather—good or bad—doesn’t tend to stick around all that long. Yesterday’s heatwave is now today’s southerly with rain. Sigh.
Yesterday was one of the better play dates I’ve had with my daughter. Started with a trip to the park, and ended in our host’s garage looking at subatomic particles in vapour via a homemade Peltier device :)) The Gamma rays were particularly cool. I just wish I’d videoed it!
This was the view from our writing group catch-up tonight! Sitting in a boathouse looking across the harbour towards Wellington. 👍
Ok, So This Is Surreal...!
Fellow Flickr users! I’ve just received my auto-renewal notice and for the year… $49.99? I’m assuming that’s USD as well, eep. Seriously prohibitive pricing…I know about the revamp but don’t remember seeing anything about doubling the price of their service!
Not bad, sky. Not bad.
Moo in a giant tyre on Somes Island! Some old photos, finally developed. More here.
Jesus and Mary Chain are coming to Wellington. At the Opera house no less! It’s a great venue, I really enjoyed Shapeshifter, Wilco and Gomez there. (Wilco, in particular, who were there one Easter, at the same time as a metal weekend at the stadium. They were confused as to why everyone in Wellington celebrated Easter by wearing black.)
90 bucks a ticket though, sigh.
Anyone else seen J&MC lately? I imagine they are amazing live, sigh.
Yesterday’s sunset!
Summer Holidays with cousins. Grey’s Bush, Gisborne.