I think I’m turning into my dad, circa the era of his discovery of fax machine memes…

Bit of a weird harvest this morning: cherry tomatoes, wild strawberries, Szechuan peppercorns, and coriander and dill seeds. There are still two straggling cucumbers but I’m hoping they may still grow a bit before I pick them. 🌱

Shonen Knife @ San Francisco Bathhouse! Shonen knife on stage!

Chewie sunning himself in a patch of autumn sunshine!

I’m mastodonning. I think. Trying to figure out how to not spam everyone while still cross posting.

Flights booked for October trip! Thailand, South Korea & Japan. Now on to the fun stuff— where and when! Already booked accom in Osaka, Kurashiki and Kyoto…big decisions next about where to stay in Seoul and Tokyo. Thinking Insadong and Yanaka?

Happy Lunar New Year! So glad to realise the sound of explosions across the harbour was fireworks :)

Currently reading: Bryony and Roses by T. Kingfisher 📚

Finished: Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata 📚 One of the least-egregious romance reads this summer so far. My pile of more serious fiction is looking at me but I guess I’m still in potato chip mode. I shouldn’t make excuses about what I read…but it’s still hard to own the trashy stuff.

Really liking these Cern anti-harassment posters:

Currently reading: Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik 📚

Getting ready for our trip next year!

Prepping for our NYE party while listening to the DJ set from the last one: “Noise Control,” which is what happens when a whole lot of 40 and 50 somethings get a pass for the night 🥳

Muggy and warm and overcast this Xmas eve. Got the ham sorted to take up to dad’s tomorrow but just thinking about side dishes. Also I really like this picture my daughter drew of me on my birthday card!

Currently reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚Wasn’t a fan of the voice with this to start but I’m slowly sinking into this one.

Currently reading: Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata 📚 So far, so strange!

🌱Chamomile mini forest in my box garden

Lying on the bed watching the sunset and listening to birds, sick child sleeping beside me.

New books!

Whoops, just realised that some structural mucking around on my blot blog resulted in some rubbish test pages ending up on my micro.blog feed. Sorry everyone!

Karate grading today! My daughter and I are both going for our green belts. Should be a sweat-fest!

Thanks to my 10 year old I am apparently in the top 1% of BTS and Stray Kids listeners on Spotify…

Working through edits on a burglar-ghost story and realising the main character’s character arc ends with the revelation that he really is quite a good pen pal…

Have fallen down the hole of Thai/Korean/Taiwanese mafia dramas. Send help

Day 30: I should go out with a bang (and hopefully I will get my badge, hehe)!

Selfie of a wild person