@Cheri Thank you! I was happy to see you are still here :)

I've struggled with finding something I enjoy writing on in Linux, to be honest, though I can make a few suggestions:

  • if you can bring yourself to learn a new way of using the keyboard, I've really enjoyed Vim. There are tons of tutorials around, and you can install markdown plugins, if you enjoy writing that way. Vimwiki is fantastic (again takes some thinking through to get just right) and I did my last NaNoWriMo using it. You then compile your separate files (I did each day's writing as separate wiki entries) with pandoc and can save it to whatever 'final' format you like.

  • using scrivener on linux with Wine is awful. Just not worth the hassle.

  • Zettlr is another one that's really great. You can set up 'projects' and group files together that way. I think if I was just solely using Linux for writing I'd try to use Zettlr. It looks and feels really clean. Also if you are interested in Zettelkastens they have functionality that supports that too.

  • ghostwriter is another one that is free, and useful - it's mostly just a markdown editor.

Fokus Pomodoro sounds interesting, I really do like writing to sprints. I'll take a look :)

Oh eek, blush etc! The newsletter. I really needed to just get over myself in that regard and so I've finally taken the plunge. I don't expect it to get a lot of traction with books not yet released, but I'm just trying to get "ducks in a row" for this year. I have a novelette I've finished, and have finished editing, and my beta reader got to the end of that and said they wanted more! So I'm working on "what happens next" on that story, and it very well may develop into a series. Long story short, I'm going to actually do something self-publishing-wise this year.

(sorry, had to delete the last post with the same text and re-post it; formatting was ugly!)